Monday, June 29, 2009

New Buy:(GMCR)

Friday I thought I had the opportunity I've been waiting for to pick up (GMCR) as the volume started to come in while it retook the 21 dma after finding support at the 50 dma. I bought around $59 only to watch if fade throughout the day and get hammered in the closing minutes.

Most likely it was a Russell Index rebalancing move, but I don't know what that means for the stock today except that it leaves me in a precarious position. The stock is right near my stop, which I'm removing this morning for a bit until I see how the stock settles in and trades. This is the only situation that I ever leave myself vulnerable to a greater than 8% loss, but 90% of the time it's worked out in my favor - in fact I don't recall ever taking a loss greater than 8% on any position.

Of course, now that I've said that...

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