Saturday, March 14, 2009


Whether we're getting an over-sold bounce, a bear market rally, or the beginning of a new bull market (seems pretty unlikely), the market continued to show strength on Friday. I've seen plenty of pessimistic commentary, which I view positively. IBD claims there is a dearth of leading stocks breaking out, but I have seen a fair number. I might be wrong, but I'll continue to make careful purchases and manage my risk until I'm proven so.

I added to my (SNDA) position with my final buy, bringing my cost basis to $34.61. I'm up 5% in this stock in the two days I've owned it - that's the kind of move I'm looking for. I have my stop set around 6% below Friday's closing price now. I want to leave some room for the stock to pull back, but I'm still not willing to put much capital at risk given the current environment. Capital preservation is still (and always will be) the name of the game.

I also took a position in a new stock Friday, (TNDM). This stock made my screen about a week ago, and the one thing that got me was the accumulation evident in the weekly chart. Five of the last six weeks show the stock up on above average volume (one closed down but in the upper half of the range, which is considered accumulation). Additionally, the stock has been finding regular support on the 10 week moving average. It broke out past a $21.19 buy point quickly Friday morning and I got in at a cost of $21.58, higher than I would've liked. This could be an issue because the stock reversed later in the morning after making a new 52 week high, and though it closed up on the day it was in the lower part of the day's trading range. This is decidedly negative action.

Nonetheless, I'm holding the stock for now and looking at the chart I think if it can close above $21 it could really move.

I also like (HMSY) which had a great breakout Friday, I would've purchased this stock but I don't want to put any more capital in play at this time.

Still need to get into my reading and quantify my business trading plan. Hope to make some time to do that tomorrow (fat chance, with it being Selection Sunday - March Madness).


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