Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Buy:(ACM)

Today I bought (ACM) again. I felt that it formed a handle with a $31.15 buy point and my order was executed at $31.19. The handle was not ideal as volume didn't drop as the handle formed, however the shape is good and it's formed in the upper part of the overall cup pattern.

I think what keeps bringing me back to (ACM) is the overwhelming strength it's shown for the past five weeks - all up on heavier than average volume. This is the kind of quality in a stock that will cause me to overlook characteristics like a flawed handle or a weak industry group rating.

I also see the overall market showing strength one day after another. Again today the indices dodged a distribution day following the accumulation day yesterday on the news of the Fed lowering rates to 0%. If I looked purely at the indices and ignored the daily news (which is what I'm training myself to do) I'd think we're in a solid bull market.

There are however some caveats. For one thing, volatility remains extremely high. This factor alone can frustrate even the most seasoned investors. In times of uncertainty I react by using tighter stops on my buys, increasing the likelihood they will fail, creating more uncertainty (fancy word for fear). Certainly it's prudent to limit my risk when the market is unsettled, but I wonder at times if keeping such tight stops creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The other issue I see is a lack of quality stocks breaking out of sound bases. This may take some time to develop but for the time being I don't see any obvious market leadership.

I'll continue to evaluate these factors, but I think when you cut through all the crap the bottom line is investing is tough in a bear market and less tough in a bull market. It's easy to look dumb right now. I don't mind taking chances when I feel the market warrants it, as I do now. However, if I stop out again I will put myself in the penalty box for three weeks - barring myself from any new buys during this time period. I've read about similar strategies and feel it's an effective move. Whether the problem is me, the market, or dumb luck, if I'm striking out it's time to step away and get a new perspective.

Anyway, it would help me to relax and enjoy the holidays.


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