Monday, November 16, 2009

Sell Stop:(HMIN), New Buy:(RINO)

Last Thursday I stopped out of (HMIN) by just 3 cents for a 5% loss. The stock has since recovered nicely but that's all part of the deal. In fact, I'd rather see a stock move back up after I stop out because that's a sign of overall market health. The main thing that I still need to evaluate is my stop loss choices, I just don't have much tolerance for taking an 8% loss but I need to make sure this isn't costing me more in the long run.

Today I bought (RINO), a stock which I've watch make a monster run for the past few months. The company's latest earnings qualified it for my basic fundamental criteria and the technicals still look great so I went ahead and bought it at $27.40. This buy point is 10 cents above the previous high off a pullback to the 10 wk moving average. In this very brief correction we've just had, most of the buy points I've seen are leading stocks that pulled back to the 10 week line over a span of three to five weeks. Not an ideal setup but I'll try to take what the market gives me.

This rally has been a bit sketchy but today it finally saw a nice up day on higher volume than the day before. Having said that, volume was still well below average so a cautious approach continues to make sense. In fact, that's why I waited a couple of days before making another buy once I stopped out of (HMIN) - it's worth letting a couple winners go by to make sure I'm not over trading like I used to.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Some Catching up to do...

Once again I've fallen behind here. Time is short these days so I'll keep it brief.

Towards the end of October when I saw the market heading to a correction I moved up my stops to protect my gains (small though they were). I knew there was an issue with my timing and that by the time I'd gotten my system on track the best days of the rally were over. Therefore I was happy to exit that foray into the market even, and that's exactly what I did. Not bad really for a tough whipsawing market.

Then late last week the market looked as though it may have a follow through day on Thursday, so I took a position in (MED) which I've been looking to get into for a couple of months. The stock did well but the market did not follow through, so I closed the position with a 1.5% gain at the end of the day. Hard to sell a good stock I've wanted to own, but I will not initiate new longs in a correction.

I was out of town for a long weekend and the market did stage a follow through day yesterday which has us once again in a rally. I took a look at my watchlist last night to prepare and found that (HMIN) had released earnings and was up considerably after hours.

I bought (HMIN) on the gap up to a new high at open - this is one of the setups I look for. Additionally, I bought (MELI) as it pulled back within a couple percent of the $42.55 buy point it took out last week. I'm not totally comfortable going in this fast to a new rally, so I kept my stop loss orders tight at 4% to reduce my capital exposure until I see how things shape up.